Saturday, June 15, 2019


By: Tony Smith 

These are all the major events that have brought the Zionists to the level of power they have today. Please read this whole thing. I know it is long, but if you know truth. You will enjoy.
May 5, 1789 The French Revolution 
This was to counter the organic American Revolution by the Protestant Freemasons because the Zionists needed to control Freemasonry because most were masons in this time period. The Zionists were going to be removed from France by the King just as they were kicked out of Spain by the Spanish King. During this time was also the fall of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806. The Zionists acted fast to absorb the power vacuum left by the fall of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope's confinement to the Vatican. Now. Fast forward to the US Civil War.

April 12, 1861 The US Civil War 
The Zionists were involved in the African slave trade and the triangle trade, and the freedom of slaves would destroy the global economy they set up at that time. Since the Zionists financed both sides. This war was to cause the US to go into debt, so the US would have to go off the Gold standard and use a fiat currency such as what was later to become known as the dollar. This was the beginning of the fiat Green Back. The first step to gold confiscation, and a backless dollar. Then after the war was won by the Union, they murdered. President Lincoln through zionist jew John Wilks Booth to get rid of the evidence of their corruption. Fast forward to 1913.

December 23,1913 The creation of the Federal Reserve, and the dollar becoming a world currency 
This is what the zionists have been working for since long ago back in 1789. The first phase is done. They have complete control of the Protestant American system through labor (The Freemasons) and through currency(The Dollar, and later the Petro Dollar) The zionists took the American gold and plundered its wealth right under the noses of the American people, and caused the greatest economic depression the world has ever seen. These are the reason they were kicked out of the European and Asian countries. Since then it has been a bubble and bust economy based on nothing because fast forward to world war I.

July 28, 1914 World War I
It was used to set up their world government via the league of nations, but it did not take hold. It also set the stage for world war II in which the zionists profited handsomely off both wars. War drives the bubble bust economy. Without war they can not make these billions in profits short term. So Germany loses the war in which the zionists have controlled that country since the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. Now there is a Great Depression, and the people of America are waking up, and rising up. So the Zionists said. Let's make a New Deal, and the Roosevelt era began. Fast forward to world war II.

September 1, 1939 World War II 
This time the American people had a stake in the war, and were offered war bonds for enlistment, working in factories, fueling this war. Americans shared in the profits of this war, and would be the last time Americans shared in the spoils of war. The Zionists got their world government through the United Nations, and they got their country of Israel, which is the core of their ideology. Phase 2 is now complete.

May 14, 1948 The Creation of Israel
Now with the creation of their own nation, they have a base of operations. Now they just need to take over the region, solidify their dominance over the region, and eventually the world as they grow in power and land. Ultimately they believe they should have the land from the Nile to the river Euphrates because they believe they are the chosen people of God.

The 1967 Yum Kippar War
This war gave them power over Jerusalem, and expanded their ability to take land from the Palestinians as they slaughter them at the same time. Remember they always play both sides. This is just to buy time as they squeeze the US out of as much wealth as they can until they become the superpower, which is what the 9-11 attacks were for. To bolster Israel's legitimacy, and their dominance of the region, and the world.

9-11 and the Middle East Project 
This is their jump off point to become an international power. They needed a great disaster in order to get America into yet another war. This war would be for regional dominance, which is why all of North Africa and the middle east countries have been overthrown. They also have to overthrow Russia because they have backed out of the plan, but playing both sides as well. China is looking to take advantage of the chaos to become a world power, and Iran wants to dominate the Middle East. This is why Israel is allied with Saudi Arabia, and and the US. Phase 3 complete.

Phase 4 Order Out of Chaos A Jew World Order

So here is where we are Geo-politically. Israel is overtaking the US as a world power, the EU is emerging as a world power because the Pope is driving that growth. China, Russia, and Iran are in an economic and military alliance called the SCO. (The Shanghi Cooperation Organization). So this is why the US has to over throw Venezuela and Syria because they are the last of the Russian proxies, and is why the US is in Africa fighting China as well as fighting them through economics with trade fights and tariffs. The zionists are setting the stage for World War III where Protestants will fight muslims, blacks will fight whites, Israel, the US, Saudi Arabia, and EU fight Russia, China and Iran for world dominance. They will then chip you, Jerusalem will be the capitol of the world, and the Zionists will rule us from Jerusalem with their Messiah, and the world following their Noahide laws through augmented virtual reality through your chip. This has been a quick rundown of 230 years of world domination by the zionists right under the nose of the people of the world. Why> Because they control what you see unless you are a critical thinker, which you are to be exterminated because their game only works if everyone believes the lie. The world population is only able to be effectively controlled at 500,000,000. Order out of Chaos. The Zionists Ruling the world from Jerusalem. There are mountains more of details to this plan. This is the short version. Please share this.